Wednesday, June 18, 2008


…had been the question I asked to the Italian soccer team during this Euro 2008, for they failed to win in the first two matches.
Last night, the long awaited victory finally showed herself, when they defeated France 2-0. Both teams failed to show their best performance, I daresay, but the second goal from Daniele De Rossi was superb, though.

Sigh… the next match against Spain (most likely!) will be terribly hard for gli azzuri.. especially because Gattuso and Pirlo will be absent due to the two yellow cards they got, and also because Toni has been infertile so far.

Ah well, at least I got to hear their national anthem once again.. (this is the first tournament in which I could sing it along from the beginning to the end… laugh at me, but I used to memorize the lyrics before going to sleep and hum to myself while dreaming of Italy.…)

Fratelli d'Italia (Italian brothers)
L'Italia s'่ desta (Italy has arisen)
Dell'elmo di Scipio (With Scipio's helmet)
S'่è cinta la testa (binding her head)
Dov’è la Vittoria? (Where is Victory?)
Le porga la chioma (Let her bow down)
Chè schiava di Roma (For the slave of Rome)
Iddio la creò (God has made her)

Stringiamoci a coorte (Let us gather in legions)
Siam pronti alla morte (Ready to die)
Italia chiamò! (Italy has called!)


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