Wednesday, September 13, 2006


(A friend that I used to miss a lot)

Sometimes I caught myself secretly hoping that somehow your computer crashed and that’s why you suddenly stopped writing your brief but frequent emails like you used to.
Or, that someone stole your cellphone and you lost my number so you could not contact me anymore.
Or, you banged your head so hard that you suffer a severe amnesia and that’s why you forgot me, and the promise you made about three months ago.
Or, stepping out of your comfort zone, you would tell me that you don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.
But how can I understand silence? You have taught me that silence is not always gold. Your silence is loud and deafening. And I don’t like it.
(Anyway, I pray that none of the three top things above happened or will ever happen to you. I just want to believe that you don’t keep in touch with me because you can’t (though you want to), and not because you don’t want to (though you can))


Anonymous said...

mungkin memang tak perlu kata atau suara, cukup pejamkan lalu rasakan :)

eSter said...

hahahahhahahahahah...... baca blog ngerasa 'it's so TANTI!!' atawa... 'TANTI BANGEEEED!!!'


eSter said...

mungkin bisa jadi kepala nya lagi kegencet lemari Tan...
so, nyante ajaa... lemari nya belum bisa dipindahin soalnya komputernya lagi diperbaikin... [hahaha ga da hub banget ga seeh!!]

eSter said...
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