Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Just got home from a long day, what a relief!
Couldn’t sleep well last night after waiting for Cristina’s call for almost three hours, spending it by watching TV with the two maids in the living room of my boarding house. It was an Indonesian movie, which was a copycat of the movie Serendipity I watched years ago (starring John Cussack and Kate Beckinsale). Apparently Cristina had emailed me to cancel our appointment, but I didn’t open my mailbox during the whole weekend (too busy karaoke-ing :p), but we will try again next week.

Tonight I escaped from my office at 3 pm, dressing up for half an hour, and then went to the Christian gathering with my friend Intan. It was a long long way, but it was fun to get together with our friends. For the first time after a long time, I became an usher, showing people the empty spots and being friendly to them. To be honest, I’m not so into strangers, and sometimes I’m too timid to be friendly that people may think I’m a haughty girl. And being among people I don’t know really drains me out. And maybe that’s why it always takes awhile for me before I can really get along with new people.

However, despite my limited social grace and super shyness, I am blessed with some great friendships. Sometimes I wonder how many potentially great friends I missed out because I didn’t have courage to step out of my comfort zone, but then I’ve come to realize that great friends are gifts from God that can’t be snatched away by anything or anyone. And He Himself has set an example by being my best friend I can always rely on.

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