Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Have you known someone you haven’t met, and then when you finally met them you didn’t realize they were right in front of you until they gave you a name card?
It happened to me tonight, when Gina invited me to have dinner with her friends from church. One of them, Vita, gave me her name card and suddenly I realized that this gal was actually in my friend network on (something like friendster, for those who don’t know what it is)…and then we were howling, so excited to be able to see each other face to face unexpectedly. Gina was in awe to hear us talk about our ‘same’ friends.
FYI, I’m not looking for someone to date on internet by registering myself, but to build friendships with many wonderful people. Among them is Anna Merli, a nice Italian Momma who sent me an Italian Bible last Christmas…grazie Anna! (praying for your second baby delivery!).
And now, my friendship with Vita is about to begin. It’s neat that we live in the same city too.
“God is wonderful,” she said. “That we finally met this way.”
I agree, Vita!

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