Wednesday, April 26, 2006


You used to be humble, simple, someone with mature principles. I need a talk, I said. And you were always there, sparing time and energy to listen to me and my endless stories.
You had dreams, vision for the future, a castle built in the air. You were just another dreamer, I was glad I was not the only one. You worked hard, played hard. And I pray that you still pray hard. When I saw you, I saw someone like me. Sometimes it did hurt to dream when dreams seemed to be million miles away, but the pain alleviated when we knew we were not alone. And we were happy with what we had, and what we hoped for the future.I thought you would be always that way, but I was wrong.
Now I don’t know you anymore. We live in the same city, you and me. But you’re as far as you could be. When I get lonely, have lots of stories to tell but nobody to listen, I think of you, and how fun it will be if I meet with you and we can talk like we always did before. But I don’t know you anymore. When I talk, your mind is on vacation. No more attention.
No more listening, only arguing over things that don’t matter. You used to stand for me when others hurt me. But you hurt me now, and it doesn’t seem to bother you at all. You hurt me by changing from a great friend into an alien. What happened to our sweet friendship? Busyness has become its greatest enemy.
When I look at you now, I wonder where my good friend has gone, and how could this stranger now dwell in you.And I can see you’re not happy. Oh you are so unhappy. Maybe this unhappiness has made you forget to listen, or is it a sign that it’s my turn now to listen to you? Did I talk too much and never listen enough and now you get sick of my selfishness?I would like to listen to you. Call me. Drop me an email. Ask me out. Tell me that you need a talk. But you remain silent. And even when we finally talk, I realize we don’t even speak the same language anymore.I really miss you.
I miss the one I used to know. I don’t like the new you, cos I don’t know you anymore.
Do you really know me?


eSter said...

Tanti.. I Will never gonna leave you..

you just call out my name
and you know wherever i am
i'll come running
to see you again


cute said...

Sometime...people need space, when their struggling w/ problems...sometime they become stranger to themself...even they don't know themself...
But, what you need to do is, to stay next to them, and never get bored to will always there to make them know themself by encourage them when it seem support them even they didn't need it...
Just to be there, even they didn't feel you around...