Sunday, April 30, 2006


I used to hate raw veggies. My Americans roommates often laughed at me whenever I picked and inserted the tiniest lettuce on my sandwich. And salads and cereals were two American stuff I couldn’t stand.
“I’m not a goat, or rabbit.” That’s the excuse I made to justify myself for not liking raw veggies.
And can’t you believe, that I once had a plan to (try to) become a vegetarian? I guess that’s triggered by my consciousness that my body really needs fresh vegetables to stay fit. So I did make some efforts to like them. I started to pick and eat bigger lettuce leaves, and cucumbers, and tomatoes and cabbage and carrots and….I finally found myself in a store, looking for some salad dressing, and fresh veggies and was furious knowing they didn’t have lettuce!
And I have been craving for salad ever since! My friend Wulan and I had a big portion of Pizza hut salad one afternoon, and on my way home I was already hungry for another portion.
Oh, I guess I am having my salad days…(but I still hate cereals!)

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