Wednesday, April 19, 2006


The world around is still the same, with all the heartache, inconsistence, ups and downs, tears, frustration, boredom, and other unpleasant things we have to live with. Imagine when everything seems to be wrong, the whole world is against you, and you’re sure you’ve hit rock bottom that you could not even say words, you just weep and ask for help, cos you feel so small and helpless.
And that’s when he touches me. Nothing happens outwardly. Everything is still like before, and the situation is not getting better. But suddenly there’s a radical change inside when he snaps his fingers above and right away, the mourning is turned into dancing. Oh, it’s so good to get another hope when you feel hopeless, and to touch your cheeks to find out that the tears are gone.
I don’t do anything to earn this lovely touch. I just need to be broken first to be sensitive enough towards the tenderness in its every stroke. How many of it have I missed because I was too dull to be aware of it?
Oh, how I long to be touched by him once again! Because when he touches me, it feels like a miracle. And I’m telling you, I do believe it is.

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